Welcome to the Kuwait English School Alumni Association
Hello KEStrel
As a former student, parent or member of staff we are sure that your time at KES was among the most rewarding and enjoyable of your life! KES values its bonds with its alumni, and works hard to create links between alumni throughout the world.
We are keen to stay in touch with you whether you have recently graduated, graduated some time ago or were a staff member, we are always interested in your accomplishments and where your paths have taken you beyond the limestone walls here in KES. Help us do that by getting in touch with us, join our Alumni Association established by our former students, parents and teachers.
If you are a former student, parent of former student or former member of staff and you are not already registered please click HERE. Tell us where you are, what you doing, and share your plans for the future with us. Don’t forget to tell your friends and ask them to join the Alumni Association. If you have registered, we encourage you to keep us informed of your progress.
We will be sending you news and updates as well as inviting you to our school events. We will arrange class reunions and help you to get in touch with your former classmates and teachers.
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For further information, please contact alumni@kes.edu.kw