As part of the year of Nature at Kuwait English School, the Arabic department held a successful awareness workshop entitled “Let’s beat the plastic problem”.
To assist in this project an expert in the field, engineer Heba Alfarra – Head of training and development at Enertech company and a United Nations Ambassador for the Environment – was invited to the school.
Engineer Heba delivered a very informative and interactive seminar to teachers and students, emphasising how everyone can make a difference when tackling the problems of plastics. She described the problems associated with plastic pollution, and gave practical advice on how to conserve the Earth’s resources and ensure sustainability. She also outlined how this can be achieved through recycling, and the need to change our habits and use less plastic, or use alternatives to plastic.
At the end of the session, Ms Alfarra offered the students a hashtag (#q8beatplastic_kes ) and encouraged them to take an active role and make the serious decision to beat plastic.