Our festival joins with international authors and Winter festivals around the world to promote:
- The Language of Lyrics Literature (SD)
- The Ancient Art of Storytelling (Arabic SD/JD)
- Poetry and Puppets (Arabic SD/JD)
- Creating a Character (Arabic SD)
- Page to Stage Performances (SD/JD)
- Radio & Rhythm (SD)
- Structuring Shakespeare Sonnets (SD/JD)
- A Picture Tells a Story (SD & JD)
- The Language of Lyrics (SD)
- Webinars,Book launches with International Authors,
- Festivals, theatres and Playwrights (SD,JD&ID)
- Patriotism, Propaganda and Pope (World War One) (SD)
- Seriously Spooky Settings (SD)
- Guest poetry and narrative readings (JD)
- Poets and Writers (JD)
- Exhibition of online Artwork (JD)
- Powerful Poetry Podcasts (SD)
- Oxford Owl e-library Programme for our children (ID)
- Our Favourite Book Competition (ID)
- My Favourite Book Hero Drawing Competition (ID)
- Meeting the director of Charles Dickens’
- The Tale of Ebenezer Scrooge by One World Actors Centre (JD)
For more information please check the KES school Website
*ID/Infant Department, JD/Junior Department, SD/Senior