KES Uniform Online Shop

KES Online Uniform store is under maintenance for the new season preparations.

Our online sales will start again before September.

All children should wear school uniform. Items can be bought from the school uniform shop located in the main school building or shop online through the school shopping online website (apply here school website uniform shop). Please label all items of school uniform with your child’s name. No jewellery, nail varnish or football shoes with studs are allowed.

School uniform is compulsory and differs for the winter and summer months. School items should be bought through the uniform shop which is located on site or ordered online. We believe that presentation is important and that wearing school uniform allows all students to look smart and sophisticated.


KES History

KES was founded in 1978 by Mr. Mohamed Jassim Al Saddah and Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Muhmood.


Academic Success

KES provides its students with a tradition of success to access the best universities in the world.



KES values its bonds with its graduates and works hard to create bonds between them.

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