Prep celebrated “The White and Black Day”

Prep celebrated “The White and Black Day” on Thursday, the 7th December. Lots of white and black balloons decorated the playgrounds and classrooms. Beautiful boards with art and craft collages emphasised the meaning of these two opposite colours. Children and teachers were wearing beautiful combinations of the two colour outfits. In classrooms children and teachers talked about winter and the snow falling in this cold season; about penguins and bears’ hibernation during this season. The stories of “The Polar Bear” and “ Going on a bear hunt” were read to the children and some of them painted different scenes from the books. During assembly, some of the Reception classes enjoyed acting out “Going on a bear hunt” and recited the words beautifully. Snowmen with black hats and black round eyes were made of different materials such as paper, clay or play dough. We all enjoyed the day and had a great fun.


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