Newsletter 3
Week Beginning 24th September
Thursday 28th September | Red Day in Prep. |
Week Beginning 1st October
Wednesday 4th October | Mufti Day |
Thursday 5th October | Blue day in Prep. |
Parents’ Information Evenings
Thank you to all of the parents who attended these evenings. I hope you found them useful. You should all have received the powerpoints by now.
Red Day
Thursday is Red day in KG and Reception. Children can come to school wearing red clothes or items of red.
Start of Day
Please can all children now be dropped at the gate rather than parents coming into the playground, even for KG. The majority of children are settled now and settle quickly once they have said goodbye to their parents.
Security Cards
Please still bring these into school. Quite a number of parents have lost or forgotten them. They are for your child’s safety and if a cover teacher is in your child’s class they will still require to see them.
The roads around school are very busy in the mornings and at the end of the day. Please do not park on the road opposite school as this prevents the traffic moving.
Interesting Articles
Useful Links
Year Calendar 2017-2018
Prep. and Infant term 1 Calendar
Helen Searle