Health and Safety


Wellbeing of Students, Parents & Staff

The overall health of our greater KES community is at the leading edge of our hearts and minds as we maneuver the COVID-19 journey. Although this journey is not over, we are taking many strides in the right direction.

At KES, we care deeply about the well-being of our students, parents and staff, so we have prepared this section of the website thinking about the journey.

Parents Well-Being Resources

Ideas and suggestions for managing some of the difficulties parents may be experiencing as a result of COVID-19. 

Student Well-Being Resources

A comprehensive, narrated presentation addressing all aspects of Kuwait English School’s COVID-19 health and wellness precautions from a Safeguarding Leader. 

Staff Well-Being Resources

Recommendations for all KES staff regarding well-being and self-care during COVID-19.

Any member of the KES community who is feeling confused or anxious during these uncertain times or needs advice, emotional support, or a listening ear, please contact the school Safeguarding Lead or School Psychologist by phone or email. You can find their dedicated email addresses below:

Mrs Joanna Hardy School Safeguarding Leader email: 
Mrs Simi Rajesh School Psychologist email: 

Parents Wellbeing Resources

Supporting Our Parents: Wellbeing During the Coronavirus Pandemic

At KES we are greatly concerned about the health and well-being of our families at all times, but particularly during the Coronavirus Pandemic. We recognise that this has been and continues to be a time of personal and professional challenges for our parents. To support parents with outside expertise, we will be holding informative webinars over the course of the academic year. 

It is normal to be experiencing increased stress and anxiety right now, and it is important to take extra care of ourselves and our families. We are certainly living through extraordinary times and are meeting challenges we could not have imagined facing. It can be hard to keep sight of those little, everyday routines which bring us joy. However, a sense of perspective will see us through this!

We understand that being a parent is a daily challenge and faced with the realities of COVID-19, social distancing and self-quarantine, it may be a struggle. Parents who are working from home, may be trying to manage their work schedules as well as their child’s online school expectation. It is a lot. Try not to stretch yourself too thin. Be gentle with yourself and with each other. We have all needed to let go of some expectations of normal to accommodate this new temporary reality.

The best way for parents to help their children is to take care of themselves first. Self-care during these times is not selfish because it enables us to be there for our children as stable, calm and soothing parents, and, therefore, help our kids feel reassured, relaxed and focused.  We must find time to support our own mental well-being.  We do not do our best work when we are overstressed, and it can impact our health as well as our child’s.  Here are five easy ways to enhance your quality of life in the current pandemic. Taking charge of your wellbeing and helping your children to do the same, can have very positive effects! So try these strategies and feel the benefits.


Try to make sure you and your children have time together outside in the open air each day. Enjoy the little things: the taste of a cup of tea or fruit juice, the smell of the herbs in your cooking, the sight of the flowers in a park or garden. Savour the small pleasures! 


Think of this not in terms of material goods: give your time, your words and your presence. Negative internal dialogue can be detrimental to emotional health and well being. Don’t forget to celebrate success no matter how small! We must highlight the things that have gone well.


It is so important not to lose contact with family and friends or even your neighbours, when we are all spending more time locked away at home – so meet up on virtual tools. Facial expressions can help increase connection. Talk, listen and above all stay connected.  


Set small achievable goals. It might be that you have to learn new IT skills to support your children with online learning, or you may find time to learn a new language, to try handcrafts or develop your musical talents – go ahead! Seize the opportunities and surprise yourself and your children!


It’s vital to stay active as we are all spending long hours online. Try out some new indoor activities, exercise and get the children involved. You could do online yoga or workouts together or tidy the house together. Keep a daily routine ongoing as much as possible.

Above all, taking charge of your life at home and getting your whole family involved in this, will help you all come together and feel more united. 

Remember that we are all in this together.

How we can help

Parents who are feeling stressed or anxious during these uncertain times can get confidential emotional support from:

Mrs Joanna Hardy School Safeguarding Leader email: 
Mrs Simi Rajesh School Psychologist email: 

Student Wellbeing Resources

Here are some study tips to help you avoid becoming stressed out!

Using time effectively is a great way to reduce stress: it shouldn’t be all about studying. You should not feel that you don’t have time to relax and have fun as well. Here are some tips to help:

Pay attention in class

If you do this, you won’t need to spend so much time studying because you would have already understood most of the concepts taught in class. If you have trouble paying attention, improve your focus gradually. For example, you could start by setting a timer for 10 minutes. After the 10 minutes are up, you can allow yourself to be distracted for a minute or two before you start another 10-minute “focus session”. Every day, increase the length of the “focus session” by one minute.

When faced with a problem, ask yourself, “What is one thing I can do now to improve the situation?”

When you’re living through a crisis, it’s easy for personal care to not feel like a priority. However, even small everyday things, such as taking a shower, getting fully dressed and brushing your hair, can make a big difference in how you feel.

Focus on progress, not perfection

There’s no such thing as a perfect student. After all, we’re human! If you aim to achieve perfection, you’ll be disappointed, and you may lose motivation. On the other hand, if you focus on progress, you’ll realise that getting better is its own reward. This is the key to being an effective, fulfilled student.

Getting a bad grade isn’t the end of the world

In a few years, you won’t even remember most of your grades. If you get a bad grade, learn from your mistakes and prepare better next time but don’t dwell on it!

Use the Internet wisely

The Internet can keep you entertained for hours but it can also be a major distraction. Time offline is crucial so don’t spend all your leisure time gazing at a screen.

Stress is a fact of life, but it should never become a way of life

This means that it’s normal to feel stressed and tired once in a while. But if you feel stressed and tired almost every day, then you need to get help.

Make sleep a priority

Research has proved that sleep is essential for concentration, health and regulating emotions. Make it a priority -and you’ll be a happier and better student.

Ask for help when you need it

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. If you can’t find the answer on Google, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers or parents. They’ll be more than willing to assist you.

Write things down

Your brain isn’t a perfect storage device, so write things down. Use a notebook or an app like Google Keep to ensure that you don’t forget anything important. If you write things down, you’ll feel less stressed about forgetting them too!

If you need motivation to study, find a ‘study buddy’

Agree on a time to work together online. When you’re with people who are studying, you’ll work better. Don’t underestimate the effect your community has on your motivation.

Find your best time to learn

There’s nothing wrong with asking for help. If you can’t find the answer on Google, don’t hesitate to ask your teachers or parents. They’ll be more than willing to assist you.

Don’t blame others

It’s easy to blame teachers, parents and peers for almost every problem. However, the sooner you stop blaming others, the sooner you’ll learn to take full responsibility for your life.

Try to go to every single class

If the class is about a topic you’ve learned before, see it as an opportunity to review the information.

Accept where you are

We are in a pandemic and nobody feels in control of their life at present – so don’t waste time stressing over things you can’t change! No matter what situation you’re in, there’s always something to be thankful for: school, friends, family, food, health, nature, technology, etc.

Get some exercise every day

Do at least 20 minutes of exercise to boost your productivity and your immune system. Do your best to get outside and enjoy some sunshine too!

Be kind to yourself

Don’t waste time telling yourself you’re lazy, ugly or irresponsible. Would you ever say those things to your best friend? Be kind to yourself, and learn to become your own best friend. Self-compassion is a key factor in keeping emotionally healthy, and your emotions play a vital role in your physical wellbeing too.

View this video for more guidance on Student Self Wellbeing:

Student Self Wellbeing 

How we can help

Students who are feeling stressed or anxious during these uncertain times can get confidential emotional support from:

Mrs Joanna Hardy School Safeguarding Leader email: 
Mrs Simi Rajesh School Psychologist email: 

We will also be calling on the Student wellbeing committee to provide support and useful tips.

Staff Wellbeing Resources

Staff Self-Care and Wellness during COVID

There are a wide range of issues affecting the mental health and wellbeing of the KES community. We have developed these tips to help you look after yourself in these unexpected times.

Establish a routine

Routines and structure actually helps us to adapt ourselves as we adjust to this new way of life:

  • Get up and get ready in the morning and eat at regular times.
  • Be ontime to your workplace.
  • Squeeze in time with colleagues and those whom you close too.
  • On a daily basis, be optimistic and have daily goals. 
  • Exercise daily, even if you don’t.

Maintain social connections

It is complicated to be away from those we care about and vice versa.  Maintaining social connections will always strengthen your own resilience as you go through. 

  • Connect with those who are positive and energise you for a conversation. Limit time with those who don’t.
  • Ensure you speak regularly to your friends and family, even if you don’t especially feel like it. 
  • Think about who you can support and get in touch with them as well.
  • Find a place that brings comfort and joy.

Practice self-care

  • Allow yourself some ‘me-time’ in order to be able to restore and re-energise yourself to become stronger.
  • Make time to do something that will allow your brain to be calm: prayer, meditation, yoga, visualisation, gardening, walking etc.
  • Be kind to yourself.

Create good mental health habits

Many of us are getting tired of being told how we need to work. Although this guidance may feel patronising, there is strong evidence that good mental health hygiene will help us to be resilient over the long run. Good habits such as:

  • Healthy sleeping habits
  • Exercise
  • Eating nutritious food
  • Think positive 
  • Be creative
  • Express how you feel
  • De-stress

How we can help

Teachers, staff or parents who are feeling stressed or anxious during these uncertain times can get confidential emotional support from:

Mrs Joanna Hardy School Safeguarding Lead email: 
Mrs Simi Rajesh School Psychologist email:


KES History

KES was founded in 1978 by Mr. Mohamed Jassim Al Saddah and Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Muhmood.


Academic Success

KES provides its students with a tradition of success to access the best universities in the world.



KES values its bonds with its graduates and works hard to create bonds between them.

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