Dear Parents,
I’m sure you will all agree it has been a busy and successful first term at The Green Unit!
Apart from getting students settled into their daily routine and immersed in their academic work, we have achieved quite a lot over the past few months.
One of the things I am particularly pleased to report is that we have established new links with several companies willing to offer our students work experience. Currently a number of senior students are in the process of completing a six week work experience module at Nissan Al Babtain, the English Playgroup, The English School and Kidzania Kuwait. This is a wonderful opportunity for young people to learn how to face new challenges and approach life after school. All our students are highly praised for their commitment and are a credit to KES.
This year we are celebrating Science and Technology. A number of events are planned throughout all three terms of 2017-2018 to educate students on issues related to the environment, healthy living and the development of new technologies. Students can also participate in our extracurricular programme to develop their knowledge and interests through activities such as the Robotics Club, Web Page design, Construction and Model Making.
In November our senior students took part in the Environment Fashion Show where they successfully presented 3 very creative designs, all produced from recycled materials. I was truly inspired by their superb ideas and passion for the environment. For the first time we were represented not only by our senior girls but also by a young man from senior learning support class.
Other highlights in this term include our annual Sports Day, well attended by both students and parents. This year the house trophy, decorated proudly with red ribbons, went to Failaka Team – well done to all students and staff who participated.
Our students always enjoy helping others so we were not surprised that the Green Unit Choir directed by Mrs. Kasia performed in the Gala Concert, under the patronage of the Red Crescent. The concert is an annual charity event which raises funds to provide much needed medical and educational support to children in need.The Green Unit Choir had the privilege to perform a song in the concert and was extremely well received by the international audience present.
This letter wouldn’t be complete without mentioning Healthy Lifestyle Week, Quran Competition, Cancer Awareness Week, Al Maarefa SEN Sports Tournament, Achievement Assembly, several educational field trips and social outings. All the above events were very successful and most importantly, enhanced our students experience.
For your information please find below a look ahead to term 2 events. More details can be found in our term 2 calendar which was shared with all parents.
- Term 2 & 3 clubs start – 21st January
- Issue of GU senior reports – 25th January
- GU Entrance Assessment – 27th January
- Issue of term 2 & 3 IEPs (all students) – 28th January
- GU Entrance Assessment – 27th January
- GU Annual Bazaar – 3rd February
- GU National and Liberation Day Celebration – 21st February
- National and Liberation Day Holiday Sunday 25th to Thursday 1st March
- Change to summer uniform – 11th March
- Infants and juniors special assembly for parents – 21st March
- Inset Day – no students – 8th March
- Parents Day – no students – 29th March
- Last day of term 2 is 11th April
As always, the Green Unit staff and I feel honoured to be a part of your sons/daughters development. We thank you for your trust and are looking forward to working with you in term two.
I would like to wish you a pleasant holiday and a prosperous new year 2017-2018.
May God Bless you and Your Family
Yolanta Pol-Bayyoud
Green Unit Headteacher