Preparatory and Infant Department Parents’ Weekly Newsletter -13

Kuwait English School Preparatory and Infant Department
Parents’ Weekly Newsletter


Week Beginning 10th December 2017

Sunday 10th DecemberKGBL & KGPI to Pet Zone
Monday 11th DecemberYear 2 to the Cinema to see Coco
Tuesday 12th DecemberPrep. Photographs
Wednesday 13th DecemberReception to Trampo
Thursday 14th DecemberPuppet Show and Parties
Issue of Reports
Last Day of Term 1

Tuesday 2nd JanuaryTerm 2 begins.


I can’t believe it is already the end of term 1. This term has flown by and the children have developed so much since September when they first started. Thank you for your support of your child and the school. The winter holiday will start on Friday 15th December and the children return to school on Tuesday 2nd January.
Please try and use the holiday valuably for your child. As the weather is perfect for playing outside, please take them to the park, out on bike rides, let them play and problem solve. Although planned, organised activities are important for your child they also need  time to explore and play. Give them big boxes to play with and make dens out of, ask them open ended questions to extend their thinking. Above all let them have fun and be children, that is how they develop and learn best. If possible also let them take risks Why children need to take risks in play
Your child’s school report will be available on Thursday on the Parent Portal. If you cannot access the portal for any reason please e-mail .
Useful Links
Please note, the below links are on the bottom of the news letters each week. These include most of the information you need to know about the school, holidays, class photographs etc. The school website is new and it is kept up to date. Please have a look at it.
Year Calendar 2017-2018
Prep. and Infant term 1 Calendar
Prep. and Infant term 2 Calendar
Prep and Infant Website
School Website
School Photographs
The postponed Prep. photographs will be on the following date,

Please can your child bring a hairbrush on their photo day as I don’t want them to share hairbrushes.
Your child needs to wear their winter uniform including a blazer and tie.
There are a number of children who are missing swimming. Swimming is a compulsory part of the curriculum and children do not get ill from swimming in the cool weather. If your child is not able to swim regularly, they need to bring a note from a doctor. If they are missing one session they need to bring a note for their parent explaining why.
Missing Items
Some children have lost valuable items in school. I’m afraid that the school cannot be held accountable for personal possessions, therefore any items of value should not be brought into school site or on school trips.
Useful Links
Year Calendar 2017-2018
Prep. and Infant term 1 Calendar
Prep. and Infant term 2 Calendar
Prep and Infant Website
School Website

Have a lovely week and holiday ahead.
Helen Searle
Head Teacher – Prep. and Infants

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