Green Unit


Kuwait English School Green Unit is an innovative and forward-thinking Special Educational Needs department that offers education for students who experience learning disabilities and difficulties (LDD). It aims to be the best Special Education provider where students can thrive and fully develop their cognitive, social, and emotional skills to take a full, active and responsible role in their local community and beyond as Global Citizens and Ambassadors for students with SEND.

The Green Unit is situated alongside the main school and caters to students (ages 6 to 21) 

INFANT & JUNIOR LEARNING SUPPORT CLASSES (ages 6 to 12) Early Years Foundation Stage, Key Stage 1, and Key Stage 2

Students follow the Mainstream EYFS & Primary Curriculum modified to meet their individual educational needs.

  • SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL LEARNING SUPPORT CLASSES (ages 12 to 21) Key Stage 3 & Key stage 4 

Students follow the modified Mainstream Curriculum and work towards External Examinations (IGCSE/GCSE)  & the ASDAN Award.

  • SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL LEARNING SUPPORT CLASSES consist of Lower Senior, including vocational classes – years 7 & 8

Upper seniors – years 9, 10, and 11- Year 12 is offered only to exceptionally gifted and talented students. They will be invited to attend mainstream classes in specific subjects and focus on the AS/A Level programme. 

The Green Unit has its garden, computer lab, music room, and student kitchen; students regularly use facilities in the main school building where they attend  PE and swimming lessons. Green Unit students integrate into the main school for break times, school-wide events, and extra-curricular activities.  Students showing independence, excellent behaviour, and particular talent in specific subjects can also attend classes in the main school for some subjects, including IGCSE / GCSE, AS, and A-level subjects, depending on their ability.

We aim to offer a holistic education for our learners in a caring and supportive environment, encouraging each student to fulfill their potential.

Kuwait English School Green Unit delivers the full EYFS & National Curriculum with externally accredited qualified subject specialist teachers who are experienced in working with students with special educational needs.

The curriculum is planned, delivered, and assessed at a pace and level appropriate to the individual needs of our pupils.

Our teaching staff is competent to deliver the curriculum that includes developing positive relationships, self-esteem, confidence, and the social/emotional skills to prepare students for successful participation in their community, access to further education, and/or the workplace. The Green Unit ensures that lessons are inspiring and students are constantly challenged and encouraged to reach their full potential.

The Green Unit prides itself on the quality of pastoral care and support available to students, which is key to our philosophy that every child matters. The quality of relationships and trust between staff, parents, and students is central to our aim that the provision is supportive, safe, stimulating, challenging, and individually targeted to ensure that all students achieve high educational standards relative to their ability.

Reports from the BSO inspections in 2016 and 2019 stated 

  • ‘The quality of teaching and assessment in the Green Unit is excellent.  
  • ‘High quality, inclusive teaching ensures that planning and implementation meets the needs of all students and builds on the high expectations made for all students.
  • The attainment and progress made by students in the Green Unit, from their individual starting points is excellent. 
  • The quality of teaching overall is good, with outstanding teaching and assessment in the EYFS and KS1, KS5, and the Green Unit.

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Contact Information

Salwa, Area 11, Street 9 P.O. Box 8640,
Salmiya, 22057.  Kuwait

+965 223 90 107

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KES History

KES was founded in 1978 by Mr. Mohamed Jassim Al Saddah and Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Muhmood.


Academic Success

KES provides its students with a tradition of success to access the best universities in the world.



KES values its bonds with its graduates and works hard to create bonds between them.

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