Green Unit

School Day

The Green Unit school day is from:  

  • 7.30am until 1.15 pm for our infant students
  • 7.30am until 2.30pm for all junior and senior students

Students from junior and senior learning support classes attend a morning flag raising assembly which is held in the main school playground. Students are supervised by Green Unit staff at all times. Infants and seniors from work skills classes arrive directly to the unit for interactive morning activities.

Register is taken at the flag raising assembly for junior and senior students.

Infants and senior work skills students should arrive to the unit no later than 7.30am.

It is very important to ensure that your children will be at school on time. This will assist their progress and allow them to start every day in a positive way.

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Green Unit Department

Contact Information

Salwa, Area 11, Street 9 P.O. Box 8640,
Salmiya, 22057.  Kuwait

+965 223 90 107

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KES History

KES was founded in 1978 by Mr. Mohamed Jassim Al Saddah and Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Muhmood.


Academic Success

KES provides its students with a tradition of success to access the best universities in the world.



KES values its bonds with its graduates and works hard to create bonds between them.

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