As Kuwait English School embarks on a number of initiatives to contribute to caring for our Planet, this being an event on our 40th anniversary programme targeted to clean up our Planet, it was decided to ACT LOCALLY AND THINK GLOBALLY.
In recognition of World Cleanup day on Friday the 21st September and in accordance with the School’s 2019/2020 theme – year of Nature and the Environment – a group of staff and students decided to mark the date by cleaning up a beach in Kuwait and the one selected was Sea View Beach in Mahboula.
Upon arrival, it was clear that people who have been using the beach had no regard or respect for Mother Nature since the entire kilometre stretch was littered with all manner of rubbish.
It was obvious that there was a great clear up challenge ahead.
Gloves were put on and bags were taken up, some for recycling and some for general rubbish. Plastic bottles and cans were to be put in the recyclable bags and all other litter was to go in the general waste bags.
Students and staff worked tirelessly for two hours on a very hot and humid morning. During the time there, students found all manner of rubbish. Many of them felt that the most disturbing thing was the number of nappies that had been simply discarded by those who used the beach to be taken out to sea. What was also alarming was the vast amount of plastic shopping bags that had been buried in the sand. They had started to degrade and break up into tiny pieces when they were merely touched. It made us wonder, where do people think all this rubbish goes? There is only one place: into the marine environment to be ingested by the fish that we, in turn, eat in Kuwait.
During the cleanup, one Year 11 student made a very poignant observation: “It is very sad that we have all this technology and yet we still have to live like this.”
After two hours, sixty students and four staff left the beach much cleaner and ready to be enjoyed by families and fishermen alike.
The message here is a simple one: enjoy the beach, but keep it as clean as you would like to find it yourself.