It was Healthy Lifestyle week last week. Children and teachers started their days with “wake up-shake-up” exercises. Everyone participated in our active mornings with great enthusiasm. Parents were took part too. With boosted energy, everyone was ready to start over a new day. During the week, children learnt to take care of their diet selecting from various items of healthy and unhealthy food. Mrs Raquel, our nurse went to each class and taught children how to have a proper oral hygiene demonstrating brushing teeth technics. Also, in ICT and class lessons children learnt to measure their bodys’ vital signs such as body weight and height, temperature and heartbeat. Children discovered that by practising daily exercises as routine, they can build up a strong body, keep fit and healthy and start their days more energized. It was a week filled with joy and energy.
Reception Sports Day was a very successful event. Parents were invited to watch and cheer for their children. KES Gymnastic Squad opened the event with their amazing performance.
Reception classes were very well prepared for the day and the spirit of a friendly competition dominated over our event. Each child participated in various sports races and also cheered on their teammates. Everyone was a winner at the end of the day!!! Well Done everybody!!!
Pink Day took place on Thursday in Prep Dept. Pink balloons and ribbons decorated our entry, playgrounds and classrooms. Children and teachers came to school wearing pink garments. In classrooms, children created beautiful collages of pink, using pink crepe paper, pink straws and pipe cleaners, pompoms, buttons and pink foam shapes. Other made cupcakes out of pink play-dough using their imagination and creativity.