Preparatory and Infant Department Parents’ Weekly Newsletter -22

11th March 2018

Preparatory and Infant Department

Parents’ Weekly Newsletter


Week Beginning Sunday 11th March 2018

Sunday 11th MarchChange to summer uniform
KG White Parents Open Day 8.15 – 9.30
Monday 12th MarchKG Green Parents Open Day 8.15-9.30
Tuesday 13th March
Wednesday 14th March
Thursday 15th March

Week Beginning Sunday 18th March 2018

Sunday 18th MarchKG Orange Parents Open Day 8.15-9.30
Rec Blue to DHL (tbc)
Monday 19th MarchRec Pink to DHL (tbc)
Year 2 Special Assembly 2C, 2G
Internet Safety Talk 5pm
Tuesday 20th MarchRec Red to DHL (tbc)
Wednesday 21st MarchRec Yellow to DHL (tbc)
KG Sports Day Red, Green White, Brown
Year 2 Special Assembly 2A, 2B, 2D
Thursday 22nd MarchRec Orange to DHL (tbc)
KG Sports Day, Pink, Purple, Blue, Orange, Yellow
Year 2 Special Assembly 2E, 2F

KG Parents’ Assemblies and Open Days
All Parents in KG White are invited to a short assembly and open day on Sunday 11th March from 8.15am until 9.30 and KG Green Parents on Monday 12th March. The children will sing a few songs to you on the stage and then there will be the opportunity for you to spend some time playing outside with your child and their friends and finding out how we learn in KG.
Please can this be a ‘Mobile Free Time.’ We will take photographs and want you to spend quality time with your child.
KG Open Days
Summer Uniform
Children should be in summer uniform from Sunday. The Uniform shop is open on Saturday mornings. Please check the school website if you are unsure of the summer uniform.
Internet Safety Talk
With the increasing use of Social media and the internet there are obviously many risks attached for your children. We will be holding a talk on how to protect your children online on Monday 19th March in the main school hall at 5.00pm. All prep and Infant parents are invited. Please do attend for your child’s safety and your awareness.
Year 2 Assemblies
We have changed the dates of these. 2C and 2G will now be Monday 19th March at 7.40am, 2A, 2B and 2D will be on Wednesday 21st March at 7.40am and 2E and 2F will be on Thursday 22nd March at 7.40am. We would love to see all parents attend. They will be held in the Infant playground and last about half an hour.
KG Sports Days
KG Red, Green White, Brown will be having their Sports Day on Wednesday 21st March and KG Pink, Purple, Blue, Orange, Yellow will have theirs on Thursday 22nd March. We would love to see parents joining us on these days. They will start at 8.30am and last about an hour. You can take your child home afterwards if you wish.
Interesting Article about how play in early years helps with job opportunities
If you want your children to get a better job, let them play
Useful Links
Year Calendar 2017-2018
2018-2019 calendar
Prep. and Infant term 2 Calendar
Prep and Infant Website
School Website
Have a lovely week.
Helen Searle
Head Teacher – Prep. and Infants

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