As part of the KES Winter Season Literary Festival, the Arabic Department hosted the award-winning Arab writer Hooda Shawa Qaddumi (based in London), in an outstanding webinar linking 50+ year 10 students. Mrs. Aya Khayyat organized and moderated the webinar.
Hooda Shawa talked about her new book The Chef’s Competition and the History of Writing Arabic Stories. She also mentioned the main elements of writing short stories. Mrs. Aya followed the webınar wıth a detaıled worksheet. and Hooda Shawa Qaddumi receıved questıons about wrıtıng and the creatıon of a book.
Kuwaıt Englsıh School thanks Hooda Shawa Qaddumi for an outstandıng webınar and looks forward to workıng closely wıth her on her return to Kuwaıt ın 2022.