True to tradition, the Senior department of Kuwait English School held its annual Prefects Presentation ceremony on Tuesday 1st of October. The event took place in the school hall and was attended by all KES 6th form students and tutors along with the School Director, Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Muhmood MBE, the School Vice Chairman, Madam Naela Al Saddah, Mrs. Janet Carew, Senior High School Principal, both Senior School Deputy Heads – Mr John Price and Mr Alan Garner, and the 6th form leadership team, Mrs Lisa Marchant, Head of 6th form and Senior Teacher, and Mr Adam Burden, the Assistant Head of Sixth Form.
Mrs Carew told the assembled students of her pride in their achievements, adding that they represented the ‘pinnacle of Kuwait English School’ and thanking them for an enjoyable, albeit challenging, selection process.
The School Director thanked all the 6th Form students for their dedication to the School and added that every KES student whose IGCSE examination results had earned them a place in the Sixth Form should consider themselves to be amongst the Elite.
The School Vice Chairman congratulated the students and told all of the assembled students how proud she was of them and how she wished their very bright futures to be realised.
The position of Head Boy was awarded to Elijah Jacob, and the position of Head Girl to Dania Malekghasemi. The appointed Deputy Head Girl and Boy were Christine Mathew and Vedant Khaitan respectively. In addition to these positions, five Senior Prefects were selected: Ciaran McShea, Hatim Shakir, Salma Mohammed, Laith Bedri and Ritvik Malhotra. Finally, 13 Prefects were appointed to complete the Student Leadership Team: Bart Kowalewski, Juliano Hassoun, Allen Razzouk, Rene Dominik Simanjuntak, Omar Shubair, Christine Abraham, Yousef Zaher, Ali El Rafie, Ribal Aridi Barake, Umberina Rao, Mariam Abdullah, Lauren Al Haddad and Gabrielle Bailey.
The duties and responsibilities entrusted to a prefect are many, being the custodians of the school’s rules and code of conduct. More than just students in different school uniforms, prefects also represent the best of their peers as well as upholding and promoting the school’s image. They are role models and counsellors to all students, exhibiting a wide range of positive attributes, many of which revolve around KES’ core values of Inspiration, Challenge and Encouragement. Moreover, school prefects are always needed to work together with teachers in maintaining the effectiveness and smooth running of all events pertaining to the school.
When interviewed about his new appointment Elijah declared “I am extremely honoured to be appointed as the Head Boy of Kuwait English School. In the position, I look forward to implementing initiatives to promote our 40th year theme of ‘Nature’ such as the implementation of relevant United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Alongside Dania, I aim to make the 40th anniversary of our beloved school memorable to all staff and students.”
Dania stated “I am honoured and humbled to have received the title of Head Girl, especially in such a monumental year for KES: the 40th anniversary. As Head Girl, I wish to increase communication among year groups. I hope to provide the opportunity for younger years to have an equal, if not greater amount of overwhelming support which I have been lucky enough to receive over my last 11 years at KES. Our Prefect Team is strong this year and I have no doubt in my mind that our goals will not only be achieved but exceeded.”
The ceremony concluded with the presentation of the prefects’ badges and all round congratulations followed by refreshments.
Senior Prefects: (from left to right) Front row: Vedant Khaitan, Elijah Jacob, Dania Malekghasemi, Christine Mathew and Salma Mohammed. Back row: Laith Bedri, Hatim Shakir, Ritvik Malhotra and Ciaran McShea
From left to right: Vedant Khaitan (Deputy Head Boy), Elijah Jacob (Head Boy), Dania Malekghasemi (Head Girl), Christine Mathew (Deputy Head Girl).
The Prefect Team with part of the Senior Management team