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The Primary Department consists Stage 2 which caters for Years 3 to 6.

Our aim is to provide an environment within which our students can grow in confidence as they prepare for their transition to the Senior High School. The school prides itself on developing confident young people who have a wide variety of skills to take them further in life.

The Primary Department of Kuwait English School seeks to offer a range of opportunities to Inspire, Challenge and Encourage the students to attain the skills to develop into lifelong learners. The school offers a range of extracurricular activities to promote an all round education. The atmosphere is busy with students engaged in independent learning and collaborative tasks.

The Primary Department follows the National Curriculum of England and Wales and all resources are purchased from UK.

The classes are of mixed ability and Learning Support Teachers and Assistants work with students in small groups in the Learning Support Department, in mainstream classrooms and one-to-one, where required to assist the class teachers in the support, assessment, and monitoring of the children. The Learning Support Department also provides opportunities to extend Gifted and Talented students.

The Primary Department is situated in the main building of Kuwait English School. There are 26 classes and 5 rooms used for Learning Support. The Primary Department has it’s own Library with full-time Librarian, Drama Studio, Science Lab, ICT rooms and Art room.

The school is well resourced in all subject areas. Specialist teachers are employed to teach Music, ICT, Drama, French, Arabic, Islamic Studies, Learning Support, PE and Swimming. French is taught in Years 5 and 6. From Year 3, each student uses their own Chromebook daily as a tool to develop skills across the curriculum.

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Department Contact Info

Primary School

Salwa, Area 11, Street 9
P.O. Box 8640, Salmiya, 22057

+965 2239 0105

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KES History

KES was founded in 1978 by Mr. Mohamed Jassim Al Saddah and Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Muhmood.


Academic Success

KES provides its students with a tradition of success to access the best universities in the world.



KES values its bonds with its graduates and works hard to create bonds between them.

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