Introducing an exciting and innovative collaborative educational project between our departments. This unique partnership brings together the Green Unit and the Art Department, orchestrated by the dedicated efforts of Mrs. Homa Aslam and Miss Dominique Hill, alongside the guidance of Mrs. Jehan Carew, for the development of an ongoing rotational art initiative workshops. In this...Read More
In the exhilarating Egg Drop Challenge, students embarked on an innovative journey, pooling their collective brainpower and engineering skill to create protective materials. Witnessing their unwavering belief in possibility and the power of collaboration, every carefully crafted structure not only shielded the fragile eggs but also showcased the triumph of teamwork. Among these hands-on venture,...Read More
The students enthusiastically embraced the spirit of Breast Cancer Awareness in October by wearing vibrant shades of pink. Their collective show of support not only showcased their unity but also served as a powerful reminder of the importance of early detection, education, and research to combat breast cancer. The sea of pink-clad students was a...Read More
KES students experienced its year’s First Kuwait Model United Nations Conference (MUN) of this academic year which was hosted by The English Academy (TEA). This event was truly fulfilling as eight of KES students showcased their exceptional skills and received excellent recognition: – Maryam Khan: Acknowledged as the Best Delegate – Hend Najem: Awarded for...Read More