On Monday 15 April 2024, was an incredible day welcoming Saint Mary’s University (SMU) Minnesota – USA to Kuwait English School (KES)! Creating a bridge of knowledge and cultural exchange. Our corridors buzzed with excitement as we shared moments of discovery during their insightful tour and engaging presentations on upcoming graduate, masters, and doctorate programs...Read More
Given the current situation, students of the KES A Cappella choir have put together a wonderful rendition of autumn leaves from the safety of their own homes! Each student recorded their part and sent it to Mr. Hassan who mixed their videos and then created the finished product. As always, regardless of the circumstances, our...Read More
Remembrance day: the eleventh day of the eleventh month was commemorated at Kuwait English School with a special flag-raising ceremony, where the savoir-faire of its more than 1,600 students was in evidence, who stood in silence and respectful anticipation throughout the touching ceremony. The head boy and head girl, Elijah Jacob and Dania Malekghasemi, along...Read More
Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th of April marked the celebration of two events of great significance for Kuwait English School: the numerous students’ achievements, recognised in a very special Prize Giving ceremony, and the Graduation of those who have successfully completed Year 11, 12 or 13 and are now ready to affront the next stage...Read More
Many are the talents that students at Kuwait English School display in a wide variety of fields: Sports, Mathematics, Arabic language, Quran recitation, English writing skills and Music amongst others. The latter, Music, represents a main part of the school’s daily life and, as such, has a great influence on students’ lives and development. Piotr...Read More
On Thursday, November 8th 2018, Infant and Junior students invited their parents to an amazing ‘Around the World’ concert. All the students worked very hard in rehearsals. They learned a variety of songs as well as different facts about countries and continents of the World. Every class, which took part prepared interesting information about a...Read More
On Sunday 6th May 2018 Green Unit Senior students attended the annual ASDAN Award Ceremony. This event is a wonderful celebration of achievements that students have completed over the years. Awards were given to students who have accomplished their Bronze, Silver and Gold certifications, and who have completed many tasks to reach these goals....Read More
The Infant choir, recorder group and violinists performed a fantastic concert for their parents led by Miss Babayeva. The year 1 and year 2 students were invited to listen to the choir and enjoyed hearing the lovely songs very much. The choir sang a number of songs they have spent a lot of time learning and...Read More
This week in the Infant Department, Year 2 classes performed a Special Assembly for their parents. 2C and 2G were the first class to perform a lovely selection of songs for their parents. The students sang beautifully and enjoyed showing their parents the variety of songs they have learnt with Miss Babayeva during Music lessons....Read More
On Saturday 17th March 2018, The Green Unit Choir participated in the KALD Annual Talent Show. Students from 11 schools competed in a variety of different performances including acting, singing, drama, playing musical instruments and a blacklight show, to name but a few. The show was entertaining and filled with great talent. The GU Choir...Read More