Year 9 Option Choices - Subjects Offered

Accelerated Courses


Accelerated courses will be offered for the next academic year 2024 – 2025, beginning September 2024. 

The accelerated IGCSE courses are very demanding as each two-year course will be compressed into one year, and only those students who meet the entry requirements will be allowed to pursue this pathway.

To be eligible to follow the accelerated courses, a student must:

  • Sit a Science and or Maths entrance test on Saturday, 9th March 2024.
  • Have achieved grades A*/A in the end of year nine examinations in May/June 2024 in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths.
  • Have an excellent attitude and effort in the subject they wish to accelerate
  • Produced homework of a consistently high standard in year 9.
  • Displayed a very high standard of behaviour during the school year.

If a student is unable to meet the demands in terms of progress/ behaviour in the accelerated course, parents will be informed, and the student will return to the normal course of study if places are available.

The courses will run if a minimum of 7 students meet the entry requirements and successfully enrol.

Details of the courses.

Accelerated IGCSE courses will be offered in the sciences and mathematics.


Students must accelerate ALL THREE of the sciences. 

Due to time constraints, students are not able to do practical work. The teacher will demonstrate experiments.

A student who chooses Accelerated Biology, Chemistry and Physics will take the IGCSE examinations at the end of year 10. A student who successfully achieves grades A* – B at IGCSE at the end of year 10,  must continue to complete at least one (a maximum of two) science at International advanced subsidiary levels (IAS) in Year 11. If the student remains at school for Year 12, they would be expected to continue with the International Advanced Level (IAL) course.

Accelerated Mathematics

The Mathematics Higher syllabus is covered in Year 10. This means the IGCSE examination is taken at the end of Year 10. Any student who chooses Accelerated Higher in Year 10 will, by signing up for this, accept that they must complete the International Advanced Subsidiary (IAS) course in Year 11. If the student continues at school for Year 12, they will complete the  International Advanced Level (IAL) course.

The rationale behind offering the accelerated higher program is to facilitate the study of Further Mathematics in Year 13, which follows on from the International Advanced Level (IAL) course.

Students need to be aware that the best UK universities consider Further Mathematics very favourably when offering places on numerous courses. Apart from Mathematics, other such courses include all Engineering disciplines, Finance, Operational Research and, in particular, Computer Science.


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KES was founded in 1978 by Mr. Mohamed Jassim Al Saddah and Mrs. Rhoda Elizabeth Muhmood.


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